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*LOCAL* 12 gauge Slug Gun with New Nixon BDC 2x7 Scope in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania For Sale

Price: $425
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.

**LOCAL GUN FOR SALE** Maverick 88 12 ga. Slug Gun with Mossberg cantilevered RIFLED slug barrel. BRAND NEW xxxx Nikon 2x7 BDC200 shotgun Scope. Fired 3 times. $425 with scope. $300 for gun. Gun is in Excellent Condition, Black composite stock, blued barrel
Also selling - WEATHERBY black composite Vanguard 30.06 bolt action rifle. Gun is Like New with excellent Bore. Adjustable Timney trigger prof. installed. $400 for gun,. $425 with 3x9 Simmons scope
Trades considered on Semi Auto pistols, .357 or .44Mag handguns. Semi-Auto shotgun (12ga preferred), or semi-auto Centerfire rifle.

State: Pennsylvania  City: Pittsburgh  Category: Sport
Sport in Pennsylvania for sale

This ad is older than 2 months.
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